2021蜀山区中考一模数学 (2021蜀山区一模英语)

合肥休闲 04-19 阅读:47 评论:0


1. 求代数式3x^2-2xy+y^2的值, 其中x=1, y=2. (A)7 (B)15 (C)19 (D)232. 下列不等式中,正确的是()。 (A)2x-1>0有解,x<0.5 (B)3x+6≤0有解,x≤-2 (C)x^2-4>0有解,x>2或x<-2 (D)|x-1|<2有解,-3 2021蜀山区中考一模数学 (2021蜀山区一模英语) 二、填空题(每题4分)6. 已知a+b=10,ab=21,则a-b=______.7. 解不等式组:{ x-2>0{ x+1≤5 所得解集为______.8. 求多项式2x^3-x^2+5x-2的因式分解.9. 求函数y=x^2+2x-3的顶点坐标.10. 已知△ABC~△DEF,∠A=∠D,∠B=∠E,则______.


11. 解一元二次方程:x^2-5x+6=0.12. 求证:对于任意实数x,y,x^2+y^2+2xy≥0.13. 某公司生产一种手机,已知每台手机的生产成本为1000元,每台手机的售价为1500元,当该手机的月产量为1000台时,该公司的月利润最大。求该公司的月利润为多少元.14. 已知抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c经过点(-1,0)和(2,5),求抛物线的解析式.15. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知直线l:y=2x+b与圆x^2+y^2=16相切,求实数b和切点坐标.



1. The new car is much faster than _______. (A)the old one (B)that old one (C)old one (D)it2. It's _______ that the weather will be fine tomorrow. (A)possible (B)likely (C)impossible (D)probable3. I can't find my keys _______. (A)anywhere (B)somewhere (C)everywhere (D)nowhere4. The new library is open from 9:00 _______ until 10:00 p.m. (A)to (B)at (C)from (D)in5. My father _______ the car twice a week. (A)wash (B)washes (C)is washing (D)washed


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Mr. Green is a kind and helpful man. He often helps his __6__ with their problems. One day, he meta __7__ boy who had lost his way. Mr. Green took the boy to the police station and helped him __8__ his parents. The police called the boy's parents and they were very __9__ to Mr. Green. They invited him to their home for dinner.Mr. Green was very happy and he __10__ their invitation. He went to their home that evening and had a __11__ time. The boy's parents were very kind and they __12__ him delicious food. Mr. Green enjoyed his dinner very much.6. (A)friends (B)neighbors (C)students (D)teachers 7. (A)young (B)old (C)tall (D)short 8. (A)look for (B)find (C)wait for (D)call for 9. (A)excited (B)thankful (C)happy (D)angry 10. (A)accepted (B)refused (C)gave up (D)forgot 11. (A)bad (B)good (C)terrible (D)difficult 12. (A)cooked (B)bought (C)ordered (D)made


根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Jack is an American boy. His country is very big. He lives in a small town in the east of the USA. His parents are farmers. They grow corn and wheat. Jack likes his home very much. He has many friends here.He goes to school every day. He likes his teacher very much. Mrs. White is very kind and friendly. She always helps her students with their study. Jack likes English, math and science best.13. What does Jack's family grow? 14. What is Mrs. White like? 15. What subjects does Jack like best?


下列短文中有5处语法错误,请找出并改正。My name is Lucy. I'm a Chinese girl. I am 12 years old. I like to make friend with people from other countries. I want to has a pen pal in England. I study English very hard. I think my English is well. I hope I will can find a pen pal soon.


假如你是Li Hua,你的英国笔友Jack来信询问你的生活,请给他写一封回信,向他介绍你的学校生活。要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯。 2. 词数80-100。
