英文唯美单词 (英文唯美单词大全)

合肥洗浴 05-05 阅读:38 评论:0
  • Aetherial (adj.) - 空靈、飄渺
  • Allure (n.) - 魅力、吸引力
  • Amulet (n.) - 護身符
  • Aurora (n.) - 極光
  • Beatific (adj.) - 極樂的
  • Celestial (adj.) - 天上的、神聖的
  • Diaphanous (adj.) - 透明的、輕盈的
  • Ethereal (adj.) - 空靈的、高雅的
  • Ephemeral (adj.) - 短暫的、稍縱即逝的
  • Evanescent (adj.) - 稍縱即逝的、消逝的
  • Felicitous (adj.) - 幸運的、幸福的
  • Iridescent (adj.) - 彩虹色的、閃爍的
  • Luminary (n.) - 光源、天才
  • Melodious (adj.) - 優美的、悅耳的
  • Opulent (adj.) - 富裕的、奢華的
  • Pristine (adj.) - 純潔的、未受污染的
  • Serendipitous (adj.) - 意外的、幸運的
  • 英文唯美单词 (英文唯美单词大全)
  • Sublime (adj.) - 崇高的、壯麗的
  • Symphonic (adj.) - 交響樂般的、和諧的
  • Tranquil (adj.) - 平靜的、安寧的
  • Zenith (n.) - 頂點、高峰


英文单词 使用示例
Aetherial The ethereal music filled the room with a sense of peace.
Allure She possessed an undeniable allure that drew people towards her.
Amulet The amulet was said to protect its wearer from harm.
Aurora The aurora danced across the sky, painting it with vibrant colors.
Beatific The beatific smile on her face radiated joy and contentment.
Celestial The celestial bodies moved in perfect harmony, a testament to the universe's order.
Diaphanous The diart hall.
Opulent The opulent palace was a testament to the wealth and grandeur of its owner.
Pristine The pristine waters of the lake reflected the surrounding mountains.
Serendipitous The serendipitous encounter with the stranger changed the course of her life.
Sublime The sublime beauty of the Grand Canyon left us speechless.
Symphonic The symphonic orchestra played with incredible precision and emotion.
Tranquil The tranquil waters of the pond invited us to rest and relax.
Zenith His career reached its zenith when he received the Nobel Prize.


