蜀山区三模英语2023 (蜀山区二模)

合肥洗浴 04-19 阅读:41 评论:0


蜀山区三模英语2023 (蜀山区二模)
题号 内容 答案
1 What is the weather like today? A
2 What is the woman's favorite color? B
3 Who is the woman talking to? C
4 What is the main idea of the conversation? D
5 What does the man suggest doing? A



In a small village in the mountains, there lived a young woman named Alice. Alice was a kind and hardworking girl who always put others before herself. One day, as she was walking through the forest, she came across a young deer that had been injured. Alice carefully picked up the deer and took it home with her.

Alice nursedthe deer back to health and kept it as a pet. She named it Bambi and they became close friends. Bambi followed Alice everywhere she went and slept at the foot of her bed at night. However, one day, a hunter came to the village and saw Bambi. The hunter wanted to kill Bambi for its fur, but Alice begged him not to hurt her pet.

The hunter was moved by Alice's compassion and decided to let Bambi go. He told Alice that he would never hunt Bambi again and that he would protect all the animals in the forest. Alice was so grateful to the hunter that she promised to help him in any way she could.

Not long after, a terrible storm hit the village. The wind and rain were so strong that they destroyed many of the houses in the village. Alice's house was one of the few that remained standing, and she and Bambi took in all the villagers who had lost their homes.

Alice and Bambi lived happily ever after, and the villagers never forgot the kind and compassionate girl who had saved them from the storm.

  1. Where did Alice find the deer?
  2. What did the hunter want to do with Bambi?
  3. Why did the hunter let Bambigo?
  4. What happened to the village during the storm?
  5. How did the villagers repay Alice for her kindness?



1. Alice is a kind and hardworking girl who always puts others before _______.2. The hunter was moved by Alice's _______ and decided to let Bambi go.3. Alice and Bambi followed _______ everywhere they went.4. The storm was so strong that it _______ many of the houses in the village.5. Alice and Bambi _______ happily ever after.



1. The injured deer was _______.2. Alice _______ Bambi as a pet.3. The hunter wanted to kill Bambi for its _______.4. Alice's house was oneof the few that _______ standing.5. Alice and Bambi took in all the _______ who had lost their homes.



1. Alice saved Bambi from the hunter. (被动语态)2. The deer followed Alice everywhere. (一般疑问句)3. The hunter was moved by Alice's compassion. (否定句)4. Alice put others before herself. (强调句)5. Alice and Bambi lived happily ever after. (现在进行时)



